Linux: Difference between revisions

From Wiki
Line 16: Line 16:
* [[:Category:awk|awk]]  
* [[:Category:awk|awk]]
* [[:Category:curl|curl]]
* [[:Category:find|find]]  
* [[:Category:find|find]]  
* [[:Category:iostat|iostat]]
* [[:Category:iostat|iostat]]
* [[:Category:ldapsearch|ldapsearch]]
* [[:Category:lsof|lsof]]
* [[:Category:lsof|lsof]]
* [[:Category:ncat|ncat]]
* [[:Category:nmap|nmap]]
* [[:Category:netstat|netstat]]
* [[:Category:netstat|netstat]]
* [[:Category:nmon|nmon]]
* [[:Category:nmon|nmon]]
* [[:Category:rar|rar]]
* [[:Category:rpm|rpm]]
* [[:Category:tar|tar]]
* [[:Category:tar|tar]]
* [[:Category:top|top]]
* [[:Category:top|top]]
* [[:Category:tcpdump|tcpdump]]
* [[:Category:vmstat|vmstat]]
* [[:Category:rar|rar]]
* [[:Category:rpm|rpm]]
* [[:Category:vmstat|vmstat]]
* [[:Category:yum|yum]]
* [[:Category:yum|yum]]
* [[:Category:tcpdump|tcpdump]]
* [[:Category:nmap|nmap]]
* [[:Category:curl|curl]]
* [[:Category:ldapsearch|ldapsearch]]

Latest revision as of 15:54, 4 May 2023


AIX: Memória Livre no AIX

AIX: Listar arquivos por tamanho ou Human-Readable no AIX

AIX:Configurar ips adicionais no AIX

AIX:Erro "File too large" ao realizar scp de um arquivo para o AIX

AIX: Executar um programa X11 após um sudo


Comparativo entre Unix/Linux:

Purpose of command Linux AIX PowerShell
List contents of current directory

ls -la

ls -la


List contents of an ASCII file

cat /etc/passwd

cat /etc/hosts

cat /etc/passwd

cat /etc/hosts

Get-Content *

Determine file type

file /etc/passwd

file /usr

file /usr/sbin/mount

file /etc/passwd

file /usr

file /usr/sbin/mount

Seleciona uma String

cat * | grep "string"

cat * | grep "string"

Get-Content * | Select-String "string"

Conta linhas

ls | wc -l

ls | wc -l

ls | Measure-Object -line

mais comandos:

Dicas e Scripts

Comandos e Shell Scripts

Listando o Hardware

Distribuições: CentOS / Fedora


Install IBM Java on Fedora and config plugin at Firefox



Apache HTTP Server

Artigos sobre o Apache HTTP Server

Apache Tomcat Server

Script que checa se o Tomcat está no Ar

MySQL Server

Configurando o MySQL

OpenLDAP Server

OpenLDAP: Instalando e Configurando um servidor OpenLDAP

Configurando um LDAP Proxy

Squid Proxy Server

Squid autenticando na Rede Windows ou Samba

Limpando o Cache do Squid
