IBM QRadar: AQL Queries: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "The query below calculates the total uncompressed payload size stored on disk for each log source type in the last hour. SELECT LOGSOURCETYPENAME(deviceType) AS LogSource, MIN(STRLEN(UTF8(payload))) AS Minimum, MAX(STRLEN(UTF8(payload))) AS Maximum, AVG(STRLEN(UTF8(payload))) AS AverageSize, STDEV(STRLEN(UTF8(payload))) AS STD, COUNT(logsourceid) AS EventCount, LONG(EventCount * AverageSize) / (1024 * 1024) as TotalSizeUncompressedMB FROM events GROUP B...")
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Default query when I start to create a pulse dashboard
"collectorId" as 'Event Collector ID',
"qidEventId" as 'Event ID',
QIDNAME(qid) as 'Event Name',
logsourcename(logSourceId) as 'Log Source',
"eventCount" as 'Event Count',
"startTime" as 'Start Time',
categoryname(category) as 'Low Level Category',
"sourceIP" as 'Source IP',
"sourcePort" as 'Source Port',
"destinationIP" as 'Destination IP',
"destinationPort" as 'Destination Port',
"userName" as 'Username',
"magnitude" as 'Magnitude'
FROM events
The query below calculates the total uncompressed payload size stored on disk for each log source type in the last hour.
The query below calculates the total uncompressed payload size stored on disk for each log source type in the last hour.

Revision as of 11:59, 21 March 2025

Default query when I start to create a pulse dashboard

"collectorId" as 'Event Collector ID',
"qidEventId" as 'Event ID',
QIDNAME(qid) as 'Event Name',
logsourcename(logSourceId) as 'Log Source',
"eventCount" as 'Event Count',
"startTime" as 'Start Time',
categoryname(category) as 'Low Level Category',
"sourceIP" as 'Source IP',
"sourcePort" as 'Source Port',
"destinationIP" as 'Destination IP',
"destinationPort" as 'Destination Port',
"userName" as 'Username',
"magnitude" as 'Magnitude'
FROM events

The query below calculates the total uncompressed payload size stored on disk for each log source type in the last hour.

LOGSOURCETYPENAME(deviceType) AS LogSource, 
MIN(STRLEN(UTF8(payload))) AS Minimum, 
MAX(STRLEN(UTF8(payload))) AS Maximum, 
AVG(STRLEN(UTF8(payload))) AS AverageSize, 
COUNT(logsourceid) AS EventCount,
LONG(EventCount * AverageSize) / (1024 * 1024)  as TotalSizeUncompressedMB
FROM events 
GROUP BY deviceType 
ORDER BY TotalSizeUncompressedMB DESC
LAST 60 minutes

This query analyzes log event data over the last 24 hours and provides insights into the uncompressed payload sizes for each log source type.

LOGSOURCETYPENAME(deviceType) AS LogSource, 
LONG(MIN(STRLEN(UTF8(payload)))) AS "Minimum Payload Size (Bytes)", 
LONG(MAX(STRLEN(UTF8(payload)))) AS "Maximum Payload Size (Bytes)", 
LONG(AVG(STRLEN(UTF8(payload)))) AS "Average Payload Size (Bytes)", 
LONG(STDEV(STRLEN(UTF8(payload)))) AS "Standard Deviation (Bytes)",
LONG(COUNT(logsourceid)) AS EventCount,
LONG(EventCount * "Average Payload Size (Bytes)") / (1024 * 1024)  as "Total Storage (MB)",
EventCount / (24*60*60) as "EPS"
FROM events 
GROUP BY deviceType 
ORDER BY "Total Storage (MB)" DESC

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