IBM Maximo: SQL Queries - WORKFLOW
select to_char(STARTTIME, 'YYYY') as YEAR1, count(1) as CONT from wfinstance where active=0 and deletable=1 group by to_char(STARTTIME, 'YYYY') order by to_char(STARTTIME, 'YYYY')
2017 | 536611 |
2018 | 12263485 |
2019 | 17314752 |
2020 | 10712313 |
2021 | 20238022 |
Queries uteis para arquivamento/exclusao de registros em tabelas
select count(1) from wfinstance where active=0 and deletable=1
select count(1) from wfinstance where active=0 and deletable=1 and starttime < sysdate -90
select count(1) from wftransaction where wfid in (select wfid from wfinstance where active=0 and deletable=1 and starttime < sysdate -90)
select count(1) from wfcallstack where wfid in (select wfid from wfinstance where active=0 and deletable=1 and starttime < sysdate -90)
Dica de Delete Workflow History for Inactive Records