TSM:Preinstall Tasks for Linux
Follow the next steps carefully for install Tivoli Storage Manager for Linux
Have at least 1 GB of RAM for installation
In my installation, i had problems when my Virtual Machine (VM) has only 512MB of memory, ao give more memory, about 1 GB, the install happens without problems. When installer apply the required patchs, the ISC is startup and stopped many times, what generate many error in the all process.
Installing requireds RPM packages
Install the following RPM packages in you Linux OS:
- compat-libstdc++-33 - compat-libstdc++-296 - libXp
if you are using yum, make as follow:
> yum -y install compat-libstdc++-33 compat-libstdc++-296 libXp
Install IBM Java Virtual Machine
Download IBM Java 2 SDK version 1.4.2 and install in you system:
> rpm -ivh IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-9.0.i386.rpm
Setting your environment for IBM JVM 1.4.2
Modify your /etc/profile file, adding the following entries:
PATH=$PATH:/opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/bin JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBMJava2-142/jre export PATH JAVA_HOME
save and quit.
Logoff and Logon again, after verify you JVM installed throw this command:
> java -version
In my case:
java version "1.4.2" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2) Classic VM (build 1.4.2, J2RE 1.4.2 IBM build cxia32142-20070708 (SR9) (JIT enabled: jitc))
Create the update Portal directory and change the PATH
Create the update Portal Directory
Obs.: In this article, i'm using the /opt/IBM/ISC/ directory instead of /opt/IBM/ISC601/.
Create the /opt/IBM/ISC/PortalServer/update directory through the follow command
mkdir -p /opt/IBM/ISC/PortalServer/update
Changing PATH
Modify the /etc/profile follow, updating the PATH variable:
PATH=$PATH:/opt/IBM/ISC/PortalServer/update export PATH
save and quit
Logoff and Logon, and check the PATH
> echo $PATH
This step can seem strange, but after some attempts, I verified that during installation one script made the following command: "cd /opt/IBM/ISC/PortalServer/update; updatePortal.sh", being that the correct one would be "cd /opt/IBM/ISC/PortalServer/update;./updatePortal.sh". What we decide adding in the PATH.
Confirme o hostname seja FQDN
Confirme que o nome do host esteja na forma completa (Full Qualified Domain Name).Exemplo: tsmserver.minhaempresa.com.br
Outro exemplo:
> cat /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost tsmserver.minhaempresa.com.br tsmserver
Altere o /etc/issue - Somente CentOS
O InstallShield verifica pelo sistema operacional instalado para saber se o mesmo é compatível ou não. Podemos mascarar isso alterando o arquivo /etc/issue para que o mesmo pense que estamos instalando no Red Hat.
O original é o seguinte:
CentOS release 5 (Final) Kernel \r on an \m
altere para:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 1) Kernel \r on an \m
Efetue um logoff e logon novamente.