WPS: Autenticando via LDAP no Domino - Configurando
1.Backup dos arquivos de configuração
Vá para o diretório
cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/config
faça um backup dos arquivos wpconfig.properties e wpconfig_dbdomain.properties
cp wpconfig_db.properties wpconfig.properties_antesLDAP cp wpconfig_dbdomain.properties wpconfig_dbdomain.properties_antesLDAP
2. Definição no arquivo wpconfig.properties
Usuário e senha do Administrador do WAS
# WasUserid: The user ID for WebSphere Application Server security authentication WasUserid=cn=wpsadmin,o=EmpresaX # WasPassword: The password for WebSphere Application Server security authentication (LDAP and CUR) WasPassword=ReplaceWithYourWASUserPwd
Usuários e grupos Administradores do Portal
# PortalAdminId: The user ID for the WebSphere Portal Administrator PortalAdminId=cn=wpsadmin,o=EmpresaX # PortalAdminPwd: The password for the WebSphere Portal Administrator PortalAdminPwd=ReplaceWithYourWASUserPwd # PortalAdminGroupId: The group ID for the WebSphere Portal Administrator group PortalAdminGroupId=cn=wpsadmins # WpsContentAdministrators: The group ID for the WebSphere Content Administrator group WpsContentAdministrators=cn=wpsContentAdministrators # WpsContentAdministratorsShort: The WebSphere Content Administrators group ID WpsContentAdministratorsShort=wpsContentAdministrators # WpsDocReviewer: The group ID for the WebSphere Document Reviewer group WpsDocReviewer=cn=wpsDocReviewer # WpsDocReviewerShort: The WebSphere Document Reviewer group ID WpsDocReviewerShort=wpsDocReviewer
Configuração de LTPA e SSO
# LTPAPassword: Specifies the password to encrypt and decrypt the LTPA keys. LTPAPassword=ReplaceWithYourWASUserPwd # LTPATimeout: Specifies the time period in minutes at which an LTPA token will expire. LTPATimeout=120 # SSORequiresSSL: Specifies that Single Sign-On function is enabled only when requests are over HTTPS Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections. SSORequiresSSL=false # SSODomainName: Specifies the domain name (ibm.com, for example) for all Single Sign-on hosts. SSODomainName=empresax.com.br
- Se o Portal tem o seguinte nome portal.us.ibm.com e o outro servidor chamasse another_server.ibm.com, defina somente ibm.com.
- Para especificar multiplos domínios use ";" . Exemplo: empresax.com.br;ibm.com.
Configuração de LDAP
# LookAside: To configure LDAP with an additional LookAside Database # true - LDAP + Lookaside database # false - only LDAP LookAside=true # WmmDefaultRealm WmmDefaultRealm=portal # LDAPHostName: The LDAP server hostname LDAPHostName=ldapserver.empresax.com.br # LDAPPort: The LDAP server port number - For example, 389 for non-SSL or 636 for SSL LDAPPort=389 # LDAPAdminUId: The LDAP administrator ID LDAPAdminUId=cn=wpsbind,o=empresax # LDAPAdminPwd: The LDAP administrator password LDAPAdminPwd=ReplaceWithYourWASUserPwd # LDAPServerType: The type of LDAP server to be used for WebSphere Portal LDAPServerType=DOMINO502 #LDAPBindID: The user ID for LDAP Bind authentication LDAPBindID=cn=wpsbind,o=empresax #LDAPBindPassword: The password for LDAP Bind authentication LDAPBindPassword=ReplaceWithYourWASUserPwd
Configuração Avançadas de LDAP
# LDAPSuffix: The LDAP suffix appropriate for your LDAP server - # Domino value is null LDAPSuffix= # LdapUserPrefix: The LDAP user prefix appropriate for your LDAP server LdapUserPrefix=cn # LDAPUserSuffix: The LDAP user suffix appropriate for your LDAP server LDAPUserSuffix=o=supera # LdapGroupPrefix: The LDAP group prefix appropriate for your LDAP server LdapGroupPrefix=cn # LDAPGroupSuffix: The LDAP group suffix appropriate for your LDAP server # Domino value is null LDAPGroupSuffix= # LDAPUserObjectClass: The LDAP user object class appropriate for your LDAP server LDAPUserObjectClass=dominoPerson # LDAPGroupObjectClass: The LDAP group object class appropriate for your LDAP server LDAPGroupObjectClass=dominoGroup # LDAPUserFilter: The LDAP user filter appropriate for your LDAP server (to work with default values in WMM) LDAPUserFilter=(&(|(cn=%v)(uid=%v))(|(objectclass=dominoPerson)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))) # LDAPGroupFilter: The LDAP group filter appropriate for your LDAP server (to work with default values in WMM) LDAPGroupFilter=(&(cn=%v)(|(objectclass=dominoGroup)(objectclass=groupOfNames)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)))
Configuração para o IBM Workplace Web Content Management
# WcmAdminGroupId: The group ID for the WCM Administrator group WcmAdminGroupId=cn=wcmadmins # WcmAdminGroupIdShort: The WCM admin group ID WcmAdminGroupIdShort=wcmadmins
3. Definição no arquivo wpconfig_dbdomain.properties
# DbUser: The database administrator user ID wmm.DbUser=db2inst1 # DbPassword: The database administrator password wmm.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd
4. Parando os servidores
Vá para o diretório
cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin
e execute o seguinte comando
# ./stopServer.sh WebSphere_Portal -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password