Connections Component Pack: Instalando o Component Pack's connections-env
Habilitando comunicação SSL no WAS
1) Acesse via terminal Linux o DMGR.
2) Edite o arquivo
e altere a variável:
Salve e feche o arquivo
3) Sincronize os nodes do WAS
4) Reinicie o servidores WAS
Install o connections-env chart
1) Execute o comando
helm install \ --name=connections-env extractedFolder/microservices_connections/hybridcloud/helmbuilds/connections-env-0.1.40-20181011-103145.tgz \ --set \ onPrem=true,\ createSecret=false,\,\ ic.internal=ic_http_server,\ ic.interserviceOpengraphPort=443,\ ic.interserviceConnectionsPort=443,\ ic.interserviceScheme=https
2) Verificando se já finalizou o bootstrap
helm list
O resultado do comando deve ser DEPLOYED
Mais opções
- Install when SSL is not enforced
- Enabling interservice communications
- Updating the connections-env deployment to enforce SSL
detalhes deste comando no link
Ver também
- HCL Connections: Instalação do Component Pack Standalone
- Mais Artigos sobre Connections