IBM Maximo: Montando um Ambiente de desenvolvimento BIRT em uma Virtual Machine (suporte ao MacOS M1, Qemu, Ubuntu 16)

From Wiki

Follow I have my sequence of steps to create an environment to run Birt Report Designer

(Only for MacOS - M1 Chip)

1) Install UTM, that is a front end to QEMU -->

2) Install XQuartz

After install and configure ssh server you can use

ssh -X -P 3022 [email protected]

to run programs

3) Download Ubuntu ISO -->

In my case I download a x86 image

4) Create a VM with the following configuration

The VM is VERY slow because it is using emulation instead of virtualization.
* System
** Architecture: x86_64
** System: Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9,2009) (alias of pc-q35-7.0) (q35)
** Memory: 2048
** CPU: Enable all features supported by the accelerator in the current host (max)
** CPU Cores: 4
** Force Multicore: Enabled

** UEFI Boot: disable

* Network
** Network Mode: Emulated VLAN
** Emulated Network Card: rtl8139
** Port Forwarding: ->

* Sound: Disabled


5) Install Ubuntu on VM

6) After install

sudo apt update

sudo apt install openssh-server

Install Birt

Install Oracle Java

1) Download Oracle Java jdk-8u202-linux-i586.tar.gz -->

2) Install Java

tar -xzvf jdk-8u202-linux-i586.tar.gz

3) Configure Environment on .bashrc


You must do a logout/login

Install Birt

Extract package

tar -xzvf 

Run eclipse

cd eclipse

Select the workplace location where Eclipse stores your project files and select OK.

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