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Header text Header text
seas-sso.EA_HOST Hostname or IP address of SEAS server
seas-sso.EA_PORT Port used by SEAS server
seas-sso.EA_SECURE_CONNECTION=true or false true sets connections to Sterling External Authentication Server as secure and false sets the connection as clear.
seas-sso.EA_PS_NAME perimeter server used to connect to Sterling External Authentication Server
seas-sso.EA_SYSTEM_CERT name of the system certificate in the system certificate store. Necessário se seas-sso.EA_SECURE_CONNECTION=true
seas-sso.EA_TRUSTED_CERT[1] name of the trusted certificate used for secure connections to SEAS, repeat seas-sso.EA_TRUSTED_CERT[N] for adicional certificates. Necessário se seas-sso.EA_SECURE_CONNECTION=true
seas-sso.SSO_TOKEN_COOKIE=SSOTOKEN HTTP cookie containing the SSO token

seas-sso.SSO_TIMEOUT=30 seas-sso.SSO_TIMEOUT_UNITS=seconds

Maximum time to wait for making EA connections and receiving responses
seas-sso.PERSISTENT_EA_CONNECTIONS=true Whether to keep persistent connections to EA
seas-sso.MAX_EA_CONNECTIONS=1 Maximum number of EA connections

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