HCL Domino: Publish Domino Statistics to Elasticsearch and create a Dashboard with Kibana

From Wiki
Important: This is document is in Draft, i still working on this.

In Domino 10 has a new functionality that pushes the server statistics to a defined target via HTTP Post.

See this link for details:

In this article, i will explain how to do this using Domino, Elasticsearch and Kibana

Configure Elasticsearch and Kibana

Install Elasticsearch and Kibana using Docker

Create file index_creation.json

  "mappings": {
      "properties": {
         "host":        { "type": "text" },
         "s_timestamp": { "type": "date", "format": "epoch_millis" }

Create Index

curl -X PUT "http://<HOSTNAME_ELASTICSEARCH>:9200/domino"  -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d @index_creation.json

Configure Domino to send posts

You must define the following notes.ini variables:

STATPUB_URI=http://<HOSTNAME of Elasticsearh:9200>/domino/dstats
STATPUB_HEADERS=X-My-Domino-Srv:<DOMINO_SERVER_NAME>$Newline$Content-Type: application/json$Newline$Accept: application/json$Newline$

The result is a single post to the target containing all the statistics in json format

"host": "myserver",
"timestamp": "1581518363",
"metrics": {
   "ADMINP.DirectoryDocumentsModified": 1,
   "ADMINP.RelativeResponsesAdded": 6,
   "ADMINP.ReplicasCreated": 4,

When i have a Dashboard, i will share on Github.

Create Kibana Dashboard

See Also/Ver também