IBM Maximo: Cleanup of Start Center

From Wiki

Cleanstartcenters.bat/sh is a tool that deletes Start Center configuration data by specific user or for all users.

This script is installed on Maximo Administrative Workstation on directory.


  • C:\IBM\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo

To run this tool, you must run the following command:

C:\IBM\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo>cleanstartcenters.bat -isccleanup.xml

where sccleanup.xml is a xml file with a list of users.

The sccleanup.xml has the following syntax

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
 <document docid="SCCleanup">
 <!-- Samples
 <startcenter id="93"/>
 <startcenterbygroup groupname="SRMSELFSERVICE"/>
 <startcenterbygroup groupname="ITADMIN"/>
 <startcenterbyuser userid="ESPH"/>
 '''<!-- PUT TAGS HERE -->'''


Generate a list of users with status DELETED and INACTIVE

I use this sql command to get the list of status

select status from maxuser group status

after i use this sql command to generate tags to DELETED and INACTIVE users and add to sccleanup.xml file

select '<startcenterbyuser userid="' || userid || '"/>' 
from scconfig s 
where userid in (select USERID from maxuser where status in('DELETED','INACTIVE') ) group by userid

Generate a list of orphan Start Centers

select '<startcenterbyuser userid="' || userid || '"/>' 
from scconfig
where USERID NOT in (select USERID from maxuser ) group by userid

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