IBM Maximo: My Configuration Tips

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System Properties

Para detalhes veja artigo IBM Maximo: System Properties

mxe.crontask.donotrun and mxe.crontask.dorun

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Java Virtual Machine


  • Maximo DB Connection watchdog logger (log4j.logger.maximo.dbconnection)=INFO
Define to INFO. Generate this message on logs. BMXAA7084I - The DbConnectionWatchDog class has been trying to close the database connection for:

Crontask & Escalation

Reduce CronTask History

Crontask/Escalation can store the task execution times. This feature is enable when mark ‘Keep history’ checkbox in crontask. This information is recorded in CRONTASKHISTORY table

I use the following table to define history records and reduce the size of CRONTASKHISTORY table:

Schedule History Records Description
less than 1d 100 -
1d to 1 week 100 history of the last 100 days (3 months)
1w or greater 10 history of the last 10 weeks (3 months)

Disable unused Crontask

Important: Check if you not use these crontasks before disable it

  • InstDepreciationCronTask – Asset depreciation calculator, if not used.
  • KPICronTask
  • Old Infolink Crontask - check for error BMXAA1477E on logs

Communication Templates

Disable Comm Log Entry

In Communication Templates, there is a checkbox called Comm Log Entry which when checked records an entry in the COMMLOG table.

Disabling reduce database transaction and reduce size of table COMMLOG. Exists another checkbox Tracked Failed Messages?, that record fails.

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