IBM Sterling B2B: Configuring SB2Bi to use S3 Storage Provider
1) Use IP Address with MinIO
- For me only works when i used IP Address. When used hostname, i received the following error: Unable to execute HTTP request: sfg-2-minio.minio-svc.sterling-minio.svc.cluster.local.
- The url become <bucket name>.<address>
Configure AWS SDK for Java on SB2Bi
1) Download AWS SDK for Java from this location and unzip file.
cd /tmp wget unzip
2) Stop Sterling B2B Integrator
cd /opt/IBM/SterlingIntegrator/bin ./ -all ./
3) Install aws-java-sdk-[version].jar
./ awssdk 1.12.565 -j /tmp/aws-java-sdk-1.12.565/lib/aws-java-sdk-1.12.565.jar
4) Import third party libraries
Now we need to import third party libraries (httpclient-[ver].jar,httpcore-[ver].jar, jackson-annotations-[ver].jar, joda-time-[ver].jar) from directory
but is important to make sure that in <si_install_dir>/properties/dynamicclasspath.cfg and, there are no duplicates (like httpclient.jar) and with a higher version.
in my case SB2Bi 6.2 and aws-java-sdk-1.12.565, in need to
./ awssdk 1.12.565 -j /tmp/aws-java-sdk-1.12.565/third-party/lib/netty-codec-http-4.1.94.Final.jar ./ awssdk 1.12.565 -j /tmp/aws-java-sdk-1.12.565/third-party/lib/netty-common-4.1.94.Final.jar ./ awssdk 1.12.565 -j /tmp/aws-java-sdk-1.12.565/third-party/lib/netty-buffer-4.1.94.Final.jar ./ awssdk 1.12.565 -j /tmp/aws-java-sdk-1.12.565/third-party/lib/netty-transport-4.1.94.Final.jar ./ awssdk 1.12.565 -j /tmp/aws-java-sdk-1.12.565/third-party/lib/netty-resolver-4.1.94.Final.jar ./ awssdk 1.12.565 -j /tmp/aws-java-sdk-1.12.565/third-party/lib/netty-codec-4.1.94.Final.jar ./ awssdk 1.12.565 -j /tmp/aws-java-sdk-1.12.565/third-party/lib/netty-handler-4.1.94.Final.jar ./ awssdk 1.12.565 -j /tmp/aws-java-sdk-1.12.565/third-party/lib/netty-transport-native-unix-common-4.1.94.Final.jar
so my dynamicclasspath.cfg looked like this:
... VENDOR_JAR=/opt/IBM/SterlingIntegrator/jar/awssdk/1.12.565/aws-java-sdk-1.12.565.jar VENDOR_JAR=/opt/IBM/SterlingIntegrator/jar/awssdk/1.12.565/netty-buffer-4.1.94.Final.jar VENDOR_JAR=/opt/IBM/SterlingIntegrator/jar/awssdk/1.12.565/netty-transport-4.1.94.Final.jar VENDOR_JAR=/opt/IBM/SterlingIntegrator/jar/awssdk/1.12.565/netty-resolver-4.1.94.Final.jar VENDOR_JAR=/opt/IBM/SterlingIntegrator/jar/awssdk/1.12.565/netty-codec-4.1.94.Final.jar VENDOR_JAR=/opt/IBM/SterlingIntegrator/jar/awssdk/1.12.565/netty-handler-4.1.94.Final.jar VENDOR_JAR=/opt/IBM/SterlingIntegrator/jar/awssdk/1.12.565/netty-transport-native-unix-common-4.1.94.Final.jar VENDOR_JAR=/opt/IBM/SterlingIntegrator/jar/awssdk/1.12.565/netty-codec-http-4.1.94.Final.jar
5) Run setupfiles and Start Sterling B2B Integrator
./ ./
Deploying MinIO (S3 storage)
MinIO is not listed as supported by SB2Bi, but for testing and validation purposes will be excelent.
1) The fastest way to have MinIO: MinIO: Deploy MinIO as Container
- S3 Protocol Port: 9000
- MinIO console Port: 9001
2) Access MinIO console Sample: To login provide the variables from podman command:
-e "MINIO_ROOT_USER=root" \ -e "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=passw0rd" \
3) Create a bucket. Sample: mysfg-bucket-minio
4) Create an access token. See here MinIO
5) upload a file to test. Example: arquivo_teste2.txt
Create a BP to get a file in MinIO (S3 storage)
<process name="Demo_MinioS3ClientGet"> <sequence> <operation name="AWSS3 Get Service"> <participant name='AWSS3Client'/> <output message='xout'> <assign to='action'>get</assign> <assign to="awss3.endpoint"></assign> <assign to="awss3.bucketname">mysfg-bucket-minio</assign> <assign to="awss3.filename">arquivo_teste2.txt</assign> <assign to="awss3.accesskey">VQ..rA</assign> <assign to="awss3.secretkey"></assign> <assign to="requiredProxy">false</assign> <assign to="useOrigFileName">true</assign> <assign to='.' from='PrimaryDocument' /> </output> <input message="xin"> <assign to="." from="*"/> </input> </operation> </sequence> </process>
Other examples you can see here Amazon Web Service Simple Storage Service
IBM Sterling B2B: Create a BP to get a file in IBM Cloud Object Storage (S3 storage)
Configure Sterling File Gateway to store files in MinIO (S3 storage)
1) Generate Obscured Access Key and Obscured Secret Key
In the fields Obscured Access Key and Obscured Secret Key, you must enter the obscure key.
So you need to run the obscure command
/opt/IBM/SterlingIntegrator/bin/ <keys>
2) The EndPointURL
Our minio server is not configured with https, so in the enpoint field I will provide the protocol/address/port.
3) Create a Partner and setup configuration for S3
Important 1: In the fields Obscured Access Key and Obscured Secret Key, you must enter the obscure key.
So you need to run the obscure command
/opt/IBM/SterlingIntegrator/bin/ <keys>
Get the output and fill in that fields
My example:
2) Create a Routing Channel
3) Create a Channel