Lotus Domino: Tunning English

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This wiki will be creating a series of articles outlining best practices for Lotus Domino environment.

I ask you to always return to this article will be updating as usual.


  1. Have an implementation plan
  2. Know your infrastructure
  3. Divide the compounds
    1. Platform
    2. Notes Mail Statistics
    3. Network report
    4. Server Load Statistics
  4. Have a baseline reference

Disabling the Collection of Statistics Platform

Domino statistics collection platform to display the Administrator. The collection does not consume much resources, but we're talking about tuning.

To disable the collection utize the following parameter in NOTES.INI.

Platform_Statistics_Disabled = 1


  • You do not want to collect statistics
  • On partitioned servers (DPAR), each server collects the same statistics. You can enable only in one partition and disable the others.

Cache Design Elements

To optimize the response time keeps Domino design elements in memory.

To change the parameters of Web Cache, Open the server document and go

Internet Protocols → Domino Web Engine → Memory Caches.

and change the field value



Maximum cached designs

Enter the number of database design elements to cache for users. The default is 128. When a user opens a database, Domino maps each design element name to an identification number. This mapping procedure takes time. Use this field to Specify how many elements you want to store in memory so the next time the user accesses That element, it is Immediately available.

To find out if you need to change this parameter, run the following command

 > Show stat domino.cache.design .*
 Domino.Cache.Design.Count = 128
 Domino.Cache.Design.DisplaceRate = 18.0328294698918
 Domino.Cache.Design.HitRate = 81.960226776015
 Domino.Cache.Design.MaxSize = 128

Observing these numbers we can deduce that the value of elements (Count) has reached the maximum (MaxSize), so elements in this cache are discarded ( DisplaceRate).

The optimal value for theHitrate is near 100%, andDisplaceRate is 0%. Increasing the value of the fieldMaximum cached designs improves response-time.

Cache User Info

To optimize the response time keeps Domino design elements in memory.

To change the parameters of Web Cache, Open the server document and go

Internet Protocols → Domino Web Engine → Memory Caches.

and change the field value



Maximum cached users

Enter the number of users to cache. The default is 64. After a user successfully authenticates with a server, Domino stores in memory the user's name, password, and the list of groups to which the user belongs. Use this field to increase the number of users for whom Domino stores this information.

To find out if you need to change this parameter, run the following command

 > Show stat domino.cache.user*
Domino.Cache.User Cache.Count = 68
Domino.Cache.User Cache.DisplaceRate = 0
Domino.Cache.User Cache.HitRate = 73.258795221749
Domino.Cache.User Cache.MaxSize = 64

Observing these numbers we can deduce that the value of elements (Count) has reached the maximum (MaxSize), so elements in this cache are discarded ( DisplaceRate).

The optimal value for theHitrate is near 100%, andDisplaceRate is 0%. Increasing the value of the fieldMaximum cached designs improves response-time.

NSF Buffer Pool

Buffering Database I/O


  • Database.Database.BufferPool.Maximum.Megabytes
  • Database.Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer


  • Bad < 90% < PercentReadsInBuffer < 98% < Perfect


To find out if you need to change this parameter, run the following command

 > Show stat Database.Database.BufferPool.*
 Database.Database.BufferPool.Maximum.Megabytes = 1024
 Database.Database.BufferPool.MM.Reads = 24
 Database.Database.BufferPool.MM.Writes = 7
 Database.Database.BufferPool.Peak.Megabytes = 1023
 Database.Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer = 98.21

If the Database statistics Database.Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer is lower than 97%,then you should consider tuning this parameter.



NSF Cache

To minimize the time lags involved with opening and closing databases on a server, each server uses a database cache.

The Notes.ini NSF_DbCache_Maxentries control how many databases can reside in the cache at a maximum.

This NSF database cache is limited to:

  • 10000 entries = Domino 5.x and 6.x.
  • 20000 entries = Domino 7.x and higher


  • Database.Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer
  • Database.DbCache.HighWaterMark
  • Database.DbCache.CurrentEntries
  • Database.DbCache.MaxEntries
  • Database.DbCache.OvercrowdingRejections


  • Good = HighWaterMark < MaxEntries
  • Good = 0 OvercrowdingRejections


To find out if you need to change this parameter, run the following command

 > Show stat Database.Database.BufferPool.*
 Database.Database.BufferPool.Maximum.Megabytes = 1024
 Database.Database.BufferPool.MM.Reads = 24
 Database.Database.BufferPool.MM.Writes = 7
 Database.Database.BufferPool.Peak.Megabytes = 1023
 Database.Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer = 98.21

If the Database statistics Database.Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer is lower than 97%,then you should consider tuning this parameter.

 > Show statDatabase.DbCache.*
 Database.DbCache.HighWaterMark = 2227
 Database.DbCache.MaxEntries = 3072
 Database.DbCache.OvercrowdingRejections = 0
 Database.DbCache.Size = 10003

If the Database statistics DbCache.OvercrowdingRejections is high, then you should consider tuning this parameter.

