Sametime: Tuning para o LDAP

From Wiki


[WAS] Configurações para o LDAP


1) Acessar o Sametime System Console

2) Clicar em Global security > Federated repositories > <LDAP_SERVER> > Performance

Limit search time = 30000 Milliseconds 

Limit search returns = 100 Entries 

Context pool 

  Enable context pool 

  Initial size = 1 Entries 

  Preferred Size = 3 Entries 

  Maximum size = 20 Entries 


Cache the attributes 

  Cache size = 40000 Entries 

  Cache times out 1200 Seconds

Cache the search results 

  Cache size = 40000 Entries 

  Cache times out 1200 Seconds

Clicar em Aplicar e depois OK

Reiniciar o deployment manager

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