IBM Sterling B2B: Analisando Logs
Abaixo tenho um resumo de como analisar logs do B2B
Analisando Logs
Você pode acessar os arquivos de log através da interface web do B2b
Administration Menu -> Operations > System > Logs
Ou através dos arquivos de log.
Os arquivos de Logs ficam localizados nos seguintes diretórios:
UNIX-install_dir/logs/directory Windows-install-dir\logs\directory
Analisando o conteúdo do arquivo de log
Os logs dentro do(s) arquivo(s) de log tem o seguinte formato:
YYYY-MM-DD log level ‘message code’ Scope.Subsystem.Name ‘information string’.
Abaixo temos as principais condições dentro do arquivo de logs.
- FATAL - Collects fatal and critical error information.
- ERRORDTL - Collects only error conditions, with a detailed description of the error.
- ERROR - Collects only error conditions such as exceptions and error messages
- WARN - Collects non-fatal configuration messages.
- SQLDEBUG - Collects SQL statements that are being run.
- INFO - Collects basic operational information.
- TIMER - Collects timing information.
- COMMTRACE - Collects communication trace information.
- DEBUG - Collects basic debugging statement including system state and code paths.
- VERBOSE - Collects extra debugging statements (like XML information) that describe and explain what is happening in the system.
- ALL - Collects information about all the conditions.