IBM Sterling Control Center: Configuração do SCC Monitor

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Configurando o IBM Sterling Control Center

Execute o Configuration Manager

iccuser$ ./ 

O script verifica o ambiente

IBM Sterling Control Center Version : - build September 09 2020 13:04
For detailed IBM Sterling Control Center system requirements, go to the following URL:
Checking 'write' access to configuration files...
User(demo) has 'write' access to configuration files...

Config step : Product entitlement configuration step
IBM Sterling Control Center - Not configured...

1. IBM Sterling Control Center Director
2. IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor
3. All Products
Choose Product Option based on your entitlement [0] : 2

You chose to configure this instance to run as :
2. IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor

Are the values that were entered correct? (Y/N) [Y]
Product entitlement configuration has been done successfully!

Configuração do Keystore/Truststore

Config step :  Keystore / truststore configuration ...
               Warning: Specify a valid keystore.(See the documentation to build one)
               Otherwise the secure connectors may not start.
 Do you want to configure the keystore and truststore files? (Y/N)N
 Are you sure about your selection? (Y/N)Y

Configuração do driver JDBC

Neste caso informei o DB2 e o local dos arquivos db2jcc4.jar e db2jcc_license_cu.jar.

Config step :  JDBC driver files installation ...
For detailed IBM Control Center system requirements, go to the following URL: 
Provide the following database parameters...
Provide a database type (DB2 or DB2zOS or Oracle or MSSQL)[DB2] :  
Provide the full path to db2jcc.jar or db2jcc4.jar including the file name) : /home/iccuser/IBM/db2jcc4.jar
JDBC Driver Class Name :  Major Version : 4     Minor Version: 24   
You provided the following parameters:
Database type = DB2
You provided JDBC driver file(s)

Are the values that were entered correct? (Y/N) [Y]Y
JDBC Driver file(s) installation... Successful

Configuração das informações para conexão o banco de dados

Config step :  Database connection parameters configuration ...
Provide the following database connection parameters...
Do you want to configure a secure connection to your database? (Y/N) [N] : N
Provide the database host name [] :
Provide the database port number [50000] : 50000
Provide the database user name [] : db2inst1
Database Password (no blanks): <INFORME_A_SENHA_DATABASE>
Re-enter Database Password : <INFORME_A_SENHA_DATABASE>
Provide the database name [] : ICCM 

You provided the following database connection parameters:
Database type = DB2
Secure connection to database = N
Database host name =
Database port = 50000
Database user name = db2inst1
Database password = ********
Database name = ICCM

Are the values that were entered correct? (Y/N) [Y]Y
No Root pass phrase found in DB and so generating a new one.
The SMTP server configuration for IBM Control Center was not completed in this installation location, and no SMTP configuration is in the database.
The report server (Cognos) configuration for IBM Control Center was not completed in this installation location, and no report server configuration is in the database.

DB Scripts Directory is '/home/iccuser/IBM/CC/db'
Registering hostname verifier ...
Launch Mode:console
Verifying required tables on the target DB server  for JDBCService ...
DB Connection parms configuration ... Successful

DB Scripts Directory is '/home/iccuser/IBM/CC/db'

Config step :  Installing root passphrase ...
Root Passphrase already exists for this installation

Config step :  Database initialization ...
DB Scripts Directory is '/home/iccuser/IBM/CC/db'
Checking if any other event processor (engine) is running and using this database...
No other event processor (engine) is currently using this database.
Executing script '/home/iccuser/IBM/CC/db/drop_tables.sql' ...
Executing script '/home/iccuser/IBM/CC/db/cc_configCC_db2_fixes.sql' ...

Particionamento de tabelas

Nesta instalação, vou utilizar particionamento de tabelas

Do you want to partition your database tables? (Y/N)Y

Are you sure about your selection? (Y/N)Y
Converting tables to may take a while...please be patient.
Starting partitioning conversion of table: EVENTS
  End of partitioning conversion of table: EVENTS
Partition conversion done.
DB initialization - Successful

Informando uma senha para o administrador

Config step :  Administration User configuration... 
Admin user password must be set.
Enter Admin user password (no blanks):  
Re-enter Admin user password : 

You provided the following values:
Admin user password = ***********
Admin user password has been set.

Config step :  Creating the pre-defined JMS user ...

Event Processor

Configurando o Event Processor

Config step :  Event processor (engine) name configuration ...

Provide a 10 character Event Processor (engine) name [CCenter] : 

You provided the following Event Processor (engine) name :
Event Processor (engine) name  is 'CCenter'

Are the values that were entered correct? (Y/N) [Y]Y

Event Processor (engine) name  has been successfully configured ...

Time Zone

Configurando a Time zone

Config step :  Engine time zone configuration ...
Default Time Zone : (UTC+01:00) Lisbon, London
1. (UTC+01:00) Lisbon, London
2. (UTC+01:00) Casablanca, Monrovia
3. (UTC+01:00) West Central Africa
4. (UTC+01:00) Dublin, Edinburgh

You chose the following time zone for the IBM Control Center event processor (engine):
1. (UTC+01:00) Lisbon, London

Are the values that were entered correct? (Y/N) [Y]Y
Engine Time Zone has been successfully configured ...

HTTP Port Engine

Configurando a o endereço http de conexão entre o Engine e o Console

Config step :  HTTP connector configuration (connection between event processor (engine) and the console)...
HTTP connector configuration ...
Provide a port number. (Enter 0 to disable the HTTP) [58080] : 
Provide a listening address for the above port. []( to listen on all addresses): 

You provided the following values:
Port number = 58080
Listening address for port =

Are the values that were entered correct? (Y/N) [Y]Y

HTTPS Ports Engine

Configurando a o endereço https de conexão entre o Engine e o Console

Config step :  Secure HTTP connector configuration (connection between Engine and the console)...
Note: A valid keystore is needed for the secure connection.

Do you want to configure the secure HTTP connector? (Y/N)N

Are you sure about your selection? (Y/N)Y

HTTP Port - Console Web

Configurando a o endereço http e https de conexão entre Console Web

Config step :  Java WebSphere Application server(WebSphere Liberty Profile) configuration...
(This step is required for web client and launch page access.)
Note: A valid keystore is needed for the secure connection.

WebSphere Application server configuration ...
Provide a port number. (Enter 0 to disable) [58082] : 
Provide a secure port number. (Enter 0 to disable) [0] : 0

Do you want to continue with the WebSphere Application server configuration? (Y/N) [N]Y
Provide the host name of the event processor (engine). [] : 
Provide a listening address for the above port. []( to listen on all addresses): 
Do you want the WebSphere Application server to automatically stop when the IBM Control Center event processor (engine) stops? (Y/N)[Y] : Y

Are the values that were entered correct? (Y/N) [Y]Y
You provided the following values:
WebSphere Application server port = 58082
WebSphere Application server secure port = 0
Event processor (engine) host name =
Listening address for port =
Automatically stop the web application server when the event processor (engine) is stopped = Y
HTTPS Strict-Transport-Security header and secureCookie attribute will not not in use.

Are the values that were entered correct? (Y/N) [Y]Y

Event repository configuration

Config step : Event repository configuration ...
Do you want to enable authentication for the Event Repository? (Y/N) [N] : N

Are you sure about your selection? (Y/N)Y

Email (SMTP) server configuration

Config step : Email (SMTP) server configuration ...
To receive an email notification that is generated by an action in IBM Control Center, you must provide the email server configuration details and the IBM Control Center administrator's email address.

Email host name? [localhost] :
Email port number? [25] : 
Email user name? Enter dot (.) for none. [] : ICCAdmin 
Enter user password (no blanks). Enter dot (.) for none.  
Re-Enter user password (no blanks). Enter dot (.) for none.  
Email from address? [noone@anywhere] : [email protected]
Administrator email address? [noone@anywhere] : [email protected]

You provided the following email configuration options:
Email host name =
Email port number = 25
Email user name = ICCAdmin
Email password = ********
Email from address = [email protected]
IBM Control Center administrator email address = [email protected]

Are the values that were entered correct? (Y/N) [Y]Y

DEPRECATED: VERSAO 6.1.3 Cognos dispatcher (report server) configuration ...

Config step : Cognos dispatcher (report server) configuration ...

Cognos configuration ...
Provide the database host name for Cognos. [] :  
Provide the database port number for Cognos. [50000] : 50000
Provide the database name for Cognos. [SCCPRD] : SCCRPT
Provide the database user ID for Cognos: [db2inst1] : 
Enter Cognos database password (no blanks) : <INFORME_SENHA_DATABASE>
Re-Enter Cognos database password (no blanks) : <INFORME_SENHA_DATABASE>
Provide the Cognos port number: [58085] : 9300
(From port 9300 to port 9313 is going to be used for the report server (Cognos) in IBM Control Center.)
Do you want to automatically start Cognos? (Y/N)[Y] : Y

You provided the following information :
Cognos database host name =
Cognos database port = 50000
Cognos name = SCCRPT
Cognos database user ID = db2inst1
Cognos database password = ********
Cognos dispatcher port = 9300
Cognos dispatcher host from Java WebSphere Application server configuration step =
Cognos automatic start = true

Are the values that were entered correct? (Y/N) [Y] Y
Checking if any other engine is running and using this database...
Number of engines/event processors registered in database : 1
Waiting for 10 seconds to get status update from all engines/event processors...
Updating reports server configuration...
Saving report server configuration changes ... Done
Report Server(Cognos) configuration done!

External Authentication Server configuration

Config step : External Authentication Server configuration ...

Do you want to configure External Authentication Server connection settings(Y/N)?N

Are you sure about your selection? (Y/N)Y
External Authentication Server connection settings completed successfully!

The IBM Control Center event processor (engine) configuration is complete.

Updating permissions for encryption key files...
Updating permissions for encryption key files...Done!

JMS configuration ...

Config step : JMS configuration ...
Do you want to enable JMS events? (Y/N) [n] : N

Are you sure about your selection? (Y/N)Y
JMS successfully configured ...

The IBM Control Center event processor (engine) configuration is complete.

Updating permissions for encryption key files...
Updating permissions for encryption key files...Done!

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