IBM Sterling Connect:Direct : Dicas do comando Select Statistics
Select Statistics
Mostra estatísticas e detalhes sobre o Processo.
select statistics <OPCOES>;
Opção | Descrição | Detalhes |
pnumber= | número do processo, lista | pnumber=(13,14) |
pname= | nome do processo. |
Pode ser usado com pname=name | (list) | generic
ccode=(operator,nn) | código final do processo. |
Exemplo: todos os processos que finalizaram com código 8. ccode=(=,8) ou ccode=(eq,8). Completion code:
recids= | record id | (list) |
snode= | nó secundário | generic | (list) |
submitter= | quem enviou o processo | generic | (list) |
startt= | start time | Pode ser usado com STARTT=(,04:00:00 PM) |
stopt= | stop time | Pode ser usado com STOPT=(,04:00:00 PM) |
detail=yes | tipo de relatório detalhado. |
Some examples
- Select all statistics with details, after 15/04/2024 and before 16/04/2025
select statistics STARTT=(04/15/2024,00:00:00) STOPT=(04/16/2024,00:00:00) detail=yes
- Select all statistics, after 15/04/2024, that **Completion Code** is greater than 4
select statitics STARTT=(04/15/2024,09:00:00) CCODE=(gt,4)
- Select all statistics from today, where Record ID are in the list
select statistics STARTT=(today) RECIDS=(PRST|PRED|PERR|PRIN|CTRC|RTED) detail=yes
Write Statistics to a file in MS Windows
1) Create a file command.txt with
select statistics STARTT=(today) detail=yes
2) In MS Windows, go to directory
C:\Program Files\IBM\Connect Direct VXXX\Common Utilities\
and run command
direct –nNodeName or IPADDRESS;port –uUSERID –pPWD < command.txt > output_log.txt
You can provide a file to authentication
direct -fcddef.bin < command.txt > output_log.txt
To create this file follow Connect:Direct for Windows: How do I create a cddef.bin file with LCU.bat?