IBM Sterling Secure Proxy: Create Engine using RESTAPI
Creating a Session on SSP using cURL
This article demonstrates how to create a session on an SSP (Security Service Provider) using a cURL command.
Before running the cURL command, you need the following:
- ssp_cm_url: The URL of the SSP instance.
- ssp_admin_user: The admin username for SSP.
- ssp_admin_password: The admin password for SSP.
So run command:
curl -k -X POST "https://<ssp_cm_url>/sspcmrest/sspcm/rest/session" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"userId":"<ssp_admin_user>","password":"<ssp_admin_password>"}'
At response check for sessionToken: ..., save output for later
You need to add sessionToken in header X-Authentication: <session_token>
Create an Engine on SSP using cURL
#!/bin/sh # Set variables ssp_cm_url="<ssp_cm_url>" session_token="<session_token>" ssp_engine_description="<ssp_engine_description>" ssp_engine_host="<ssp_engine_host>" ssp_engine_name="<ssp_engine_name>" # Create XML body xml_body=$(cat <<EOF <engineDef> <certicomLogging>ERROR</certicomLogging> <debugLogging>ERROR</debugLogging> <description><![CDATA[$ssp_engine_description]]></description> <enableAuditLogCMRouting>false</enableAuditLogCMRouting> <host>$ssp_engine_host</host> <localPSLogging>ERROR</localPSLogging> <maverickLogging>ERROR</maverickLogging> <name>$ssp_engine_name</name> <port>65535</port> <properties> <property> <name></name> <value>xx.xx.xx.xx</value> </property> </properties> <status></status> <userStore>defUserStore</userStore> </engineDef> EOF ) # Create Engine on SSP response=$(curl -k -X POST "https://$ssp_cm_url/sspcmrest/sspcm/rest/engine/createEngine" \ -H "X-Authentication: $session_token" \ -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \ -d "$xml_body") # Display response echo "Response: $response"