IBM Maximo: SQL Queries

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(Oracle DB) Versão do Oracle

Verificando as maiores tabelas e a atualização de estatísticas das tabelas.

select banner from v$version where rownum < 2;


Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

(Oracle DB) Maiores tabelas e atualização de estatísticas

Verificando as maiores tabelas e a atualização de estatísticas das tabelas.

select table_name, round((num_rows*avg_row_len)/1048576) tbsize, num_rows, last_analyzed
from all_tables
where owner='MAX' and num_rows>0
order by num_rows desc


WOSTATUS               | 28639|319467180|2022-02-10 00:50:25.000|
WORKORDER              | 65996|226390056|2022-02-10 08:33:14.000|

Mesmo que seu ambiente tenha pouca movimentação, atualizar as estatísticas é fundamental pra um funcionamento do ambiente com qualidade.

(Oracle DB) Atualização de estatísticas

Verificando a atualização de estatísticas das tabelas.

select to_char(last_analyzed) as last_a, count(1) as cnt
from all_tables
where owner='MAX' and num_rows>0
group by to_char(last_analyzed)
order by to_char(last_analyzed)




Registros por Ano

select yList.year y,
(select count(*) from workorder where extract(year from reportdate)=yList.year) c_workorder,
(select count(*) from wfinstance where extract(year from starttime)=yList.year) c_wfinstance,
(select count(*) from ticket where extract(year from reportdate)=yList.year) c_ticket,
(select count(*) from po where extract(year from orderdate)=yList.year) c_po,
(select count(*) from matrectrans where extract(year from transdate)=yList.year) c_matrectrans,
(select count(*) from servrectrans where extract(year from transdate)=yList.year) c_servrectrans
from (select column_value as year FROM table(sys.odcivarchar2list('2020','2021'))) yList
group by yList.year
order by yList.year;


Listar os relatórios executados com maior tempo de duracao nos últimos 30 dias

select reportname, description, appname, lastrunduration, lastrundate
from report
where lastrunduration is not null
and lastrundate > sysdate - 30
order by lastrunduration desc

Listar os relatórios mais executados nos últimos 30 dias

select reportname, appname, sum(runtime)/1000 tot_exec_time, count(*) num_exec, round(avg(runtime)/1000,3) avg_exec_time
from reportusagelog
where startdate > sysdate - 30
group by reportname, appname
order by tot_exec_time desc

Listar os relatórios por hora

select extract(hour from (cast(startdate as timestamp))) exechour, round(sum(enddate-startdate)*24*60*60,3) exec_time
from reportusagelog
where startdate > sysdate - 30
group by extract(hour from (cast(startdate as timestamp)))
order by extract(hour from (cast(startdate as timestamp)))

Outros exemplos

Crontasks e Escalações


Migrado para IBM Maximo: SQL Queries - WORKFLOW


Queries uteis para arquivamento/exclusao de registros em tabelas

select to_char(statusdate, 'YYYY') as YEAR1, count(1) as CONT
from escstatus 
group by to_char(statusdate, 'YYYY')
order by to_char(statusdate, 'YYYY')

2019	719.178
2020	773.078
2021	799.968


Migrado para IBM Maximo: SQL Queries - tabela LOGINTRACK

Dica de Delete Workflow History for Inactive Records

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