IBM Sterling Connect:Direct : Solving CrashLoopBackOff problems when deploying in Kubernetes/OpenShift

From Wiki

Get Information on Kubernetes/OpenShift

Get Pods
 oc get pod

the output

NAME                        READY   STATUS             RESTARTS       AGE
mycd-ibm-connect-direct-0   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   19 (55s ago)   74m
Check logs in Pod
oc logs mycd-ibm-connect-direct-0

[2024/03/13 16:31:07.38 ] | [INFO]  | Running entry script
[2024/03/13 16:31:07.44 ] | [INFO]  | Initializing deployemnt
[2024/03/13 16:31:07.46 ] | [INFO]  | Populating configuration parameters
[2024/03/13 16:31:08.18 ] | [INFO]  | SUM enabled is set to true
[2024/03/13 16:31:08.19 ] | [INFO]  | New deployment detected
[2024/03/13 16:31:08.25 ] | [INFO]  | Applying default configuration
[2024/03/13 16:31:08.28 ] | [ERROR] | The certificate/password for secure plus configuration is not provided. Line no: 135
[2024/03/13 16:31:08.35 ] | [INFO]  | Exiting
Verifying Pod definitions
oc describe pod/mycd-ibm-connect-direct-0

get the output and check

I suggest to you open a case on IBM

Checking container information

If you want to investigate container, you can download to your machine and check the scripts inside.

1) First do a login on IBM Registry

export ENTITLED_REGISTRY_KEY=<IBM Entitlement Key>


2) Pull the container

podmn pull<VERSION>:<TAG>

3) Run container overriding entrypoint

podman run --entrypoint="sleep" -d<VERSION>:<TAG> infinity

check that container is running

podman ps

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                       COMMAND     CREATED         STATUS        PORTS       NAMES
703a22e4b211  cp...ainer_<VERSION>:<TAG>  infinity    10 minutes ago  Up 10 minutes             brave_shaw

4) Access the container

podman exec -it 703a22e4b211 /bin/bash

you must run exit to quit container

5) Get files from container

podman cp 703a22e4b211:/cdinstall/ .

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