INotes: Customization tips

From Wiki


Write to Console

Call function,'','message');

Where level:

  • 0 = error
  • 1 = warning
  • 2 = info
  • 3 = detail

Example:,'','Hello World!');

Output on iNotes Console:

10/27/2016 04:19:59PM Hello World!

Trigger an event after Save or Sent a mail

In Form9_x.nsf, has a subform Custom_JS_Lite, has a function Custom_Scene_PreSubmit_Lite, that triggers after user click on "Save" or "Save as Draft".

Custom_Scene_PreSubmit_Lite gets called just before a page gets submitted. For example, sending a mail message.


iNotes JavaScript is obfuscated. That means that many of the functions and variables have short 2 or 3 letter names and white space has been removed. This reduce the number the size of javascript sent to browser.

This makes it hard to read the code.

To see unobfuscated, open Domino designer and on server open iNotes/Forms9.nsf database. On Resources/Files, look for a file named ObfuscationList.txt.


AAA     com_ibm_dwa_globals
Eck     com_ibm_dwa_ui_contactsoutline
Fkb     getPanelManager

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