Lotus Domino: How to identify DAOS tickets

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You have enabled you Domino Server to use DAOS with your mail files. How identify DAOS tickets?

DAOS Tickets is the key that Domino uses to lookup for the files on DAOS repositories.

To collect information about DAOS tickets in notes documents, you must have to enable some debugs.

The notes.ini variable DEBUG_DAOS_DIAGNOSTICS, enable this debug

In Domino console, enter


After this, you must run the following command over a mail file.

> tell daosmgr DAOSDiag -a mail/filename.nsf -as -v


[14811366:00002-00001] DAOSMGR: DAOSDIAG -a mail/dom111003/f2816859.nsf -as -v started 
[14811366:00002-00001] /domino/notesdata1011/mail/nomedoarquivo.nsf DAOS Status: Read/Write 
[14811366:00002-00001] Attachments: 
[14811366:00002-00001] SHARED (0) 
[14811366:00002-00001] key = 564C66C0DDF077FC77D5CA0E5C098B8E981DC6FD007C0000 
[14811366:00002-00001] pathArray = {0, 0} 
[14811366:00002-00001] hint = /domino/notesdata1011/daos/0001/564C66C0DDF077FC77D5CA0E5C098B8E981DC6FD007C0000.nlo 
[14811366:00002-00001] SHARED (0) 
[14811366:00002-00001] key = 2C05493C385F84FFB08071C408FAB0539E31B9420064EBD2 
[14811366:00002-00001] pathArray = {0, 0} 
[14811366:00002-00001] hint = /domino/notesdata1011/daos/0001/2C05493C385F84FFB08071C408FAB0539E31B9420064EBD2.nlo 
[14811366:00002-00001] External Objects = 2 
[14811366:00002-00001] DAOS = 2 
[14811366:00002-00001] Shared = 2 
[14811366:00002-00001] Private = 0 
[14811366:00002-00001] Deleted = 0 
[14811366:00002-00001] NATIVE = 0 
[14811366:00002-00001] Internal Objects = 0 
[14811366:00002-00001] 2C05493C385F84FFB08071C408FAB0539E31B9420064EBD2, 1, Encrypted 
[14811366:00002-00001] 564C66C0DDF077FC77D5CA0E5C098B8E981DC6FD007C0000, 1, Encrypted 
[14811366:00002-00001] TOTAL = 2

In this example you can see 2 tickets.

These tickets point to 2 .NLO files, on filesystem /domino/notesdata1011/daos/0001/.

See Also