WAS: Cache Monitor

From Wiki

Cache Statistics


Cache Size

The maximum number of entries that the cache can hold.

Used Entries

The number of cache entries used.

Cache Hits

The number of request responses that are served from the cache.

Cache Misses

The number of request responses that are cacheable but cannot be served from the cache.

LRU Evictions

The number of cache entries removed to make room for new cache entries.

Explicit Removals

The number of cache entries removed or invalidated from the cache based on cache policies or were deleted from the cache through the cache monitor.

ws/<LDAP_SERVER>/SearchResultsCache: LDAP Search Result Cache

To optimize the response time keeps Domino design elements in memory.



  • Good = Used Entries < Cache Size
  • Good = LRU Evictions = 0


ws/<LDAP_SERVER>/AttributesCache: LDAP Attributes Cache

To optimize the response time keeps Domino design elements in memory.



  • Good = Used Entries < Cache Size
  • Good = LRU Evictions = 0


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