WAS: Running WebSphere Application Server as Container

From Wiki

Running WAS as Container

Create WAS directory

# mkdir -p /opt/was/config /opt/was/app 

Pull images

podman pull icr.io/appcafe/websphere-traditional:latest

Running WAS

podman run -d --name mywassrv -h was-server -p 9043:9043 -p 9080:9080 -p 9443:9443 \
-v /opt/was/config:/etc/websphere websphere-traditional:latest

Cheking Logs

podman logs -f mywassrv

Login in WAS Console

First get password

podman exec mywassrv cat /tmp/PASSWORD

Now access in browser

https://<ip of the server>:9043/admin

To login

  • user: wsadmin
  • password: <from the output of Podman exec>

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