IBM Sterling Connect:Direct : Instalação

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Pré Instalação

Required Files

Você pode baixar o C:D do IBM Passport Advantage ou da IBM Fix Central

  • -> IBM Connect Direct for Unux V6.0.1.1 iFix 0 Linux x86_64


Meu arquivo /etc/hosts cdnode01

Linux User

First you need to create a user on you Linux host

useradd cduser

Change password

passwd cduser

Login with cduser to do installation

Unpack installers

1) Create temporary directories

mkdir -p /home/cduser/installers/

copy file to directory /home/seasuser/installers

2) Unzip pakages

cd /home/cduser/installers

tar -xvf


Instalação do CD Server e Cliente na mesma máquina

Execute o Instalador

[cduser@cdnode01 installers]$ ./cdinstall

Pressione ENTER

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

IBM(R) Connect:Direct(R) for UNIX
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group

Press ENTER when ready.

Informe o diretório de instalação

Enter the FULL path of the Connect:Direct for UNIX installation directory.
You can use /home/cduser to shorten the name:[/home/cduser/cdunix]

Connect:Direct for UNIX installation directory specified:

Informe a instalação 1 e pressione Enter

Please select one of the following installation options:

  (1) Connect:Direct for UNIX Server and Client(CLI/API)
  (2) Connect:Direct for UNIX Server
  (3) Connect:Direct for UNIX Client(CLI/API)
  (4) Connect:Direct for UNIX File Agent
  (5) Connect:Direct Secure+ Option for UNIX
  (6) EXIT

Enter your choice:[1]

Informe o local do arquivo cdunix, no meu caso /home/cduser/installers/cdunix e confirme com Y

Specify the fully qualified name of the Connect:Direct for UNIX installation
file (file name prefixed with the absolute path, e.g., /localhome/cdadmin/cdunix): 

Both Connect:Direct for UNIX Server and Client(CLI/API) Version
will be installed in your system. Do you want to continue?:[Y/n]

Aguarde a instalação dos pacotes

Please wait while the procedure determines if there is
sufficient disk space to complete this operation.
Sufficient free disk space:
167546 kbytes needed, 22116808 kbytes available

... Extracting server_and_cliapi installation listfile from the media.
install_agent installation in progress...


Após a instalação, automaticamente será iniciado o menu de configuração (próximo tópico).

Configuração do CD Server

Pressione ENTER

IBM(R) Connect:Direct(R) for UNIX Customization

The customization procedure sets up the Connect:Direct for UNIX
operating environment. In the following, please answer questions
when prompted and when in doubt, enter (?) followed by the ENTER
key for help. To abort the process, enter Control-C.

As a short hand, entering ENTER at the prompt means "yes", or
the default value, if any, will be taken.

Press ENTER when ready.

Escolha 3 para configurar o server e o cliente

The customization procedure allows you to create configuration
files for:

  (1) Configure the Connect:Direct for UNIX Server.
  (2) Configure the Connect:Direct for UNIX Client.
  (3) Configure the Connect:Direct for UNIX Server and Client.
  (4) Configurations requiring root privilege.
  (5) EXIT.

Enter your choice:[3] 

Informe o nome do node, aceite os valores default para os demais


        Configuring Connect:Direct for UNIX Server


Please enter name of Connect:Direct node you want to customize:CDNODE01        
Index file with 13861 messages has been created for /home/cduser/cdunix/ndm/cfg/msgfile.cfg

Enter TCP/IP port to listen for a Control Center Director request:[1365]

Start CCD Install Agent after installation:[Y/n]

Enter TCP/IP port to listen for a remote connection request:[1364]

Enter TCP/IP hostname to listen for a remote connection request:[]

Enter TCP/IP port to listen for a Client connection request:[1363]

Enter TCP/IP hostname to listen for a Client connection request:[cdnode01]

Será criado os arquivos initparm.cfg e netmap.cfg. Pressione ENTER

A initparm file has been created. This initparm file consists of
initialization parameter records used by Connect:Direct during
startup. To see details about modifying the initparm file,
please refer to the "Maintaining the Initialization Parameter File"
chapter in the Administration Guide.

Initparm file is located at

Tome nota! vai ser utilizado para iniciarmos o C:D.

A netmap file has been created. This netmap file contains the
installed Connect:Direct node network definition. For assistance
adding network definitions of other nodes, please refer to
the "Maintaining the Network Map File" chapter in the
Administration Guide.

Netmap file is located at

Press ENTER when ready.

Informe o Remote userid e local userid.

The User Authorization file has two types of records: local user
record and remote user record. Refer to the
"Maintaining the User Authorization Information File" chapter in
the Administration Guide for details.

User Authorization file is located at

Insert remote user record?:[Y/n]N

Insert local user record?:[Y/n]Y
Enter local userid:cduser

Enter local Connect:Direct node name:CDNODE01

A server authentication key file has been created. The default
key is CD4UNIX. Please refer to the "Maintaining Client
and Server Authentication Key Files" chapter in the
Administration Guide for details.

Press ENTER when ready.

Após a Configuração do Server, automaticamente será iniciado o menu de configuração do Cleinte(próximo tópico).

Configuração do CD Cliente


        Configuring Connect:Direct for UNIX Client


The Client configuration file defines connection information
to the Connect:Direct Server. A network-wide configuration file
with records defining connection information to different
Servers can be set up. For details please refer to the "Modifying
the Client Configuration File" chapter in the Administration

The Client configuration is located at

Enter port of the Connect:Direct Server this Client will connect to:[1363]

Enter hostname of the Connect:Direct Server this Client will connect to:[cdnode01]

A client authentication key file has been created. The default
key is CD4UNIX. Please refer to the "Maintaining Client
and Server Authentication Key Files" chapter in the
Administration Guide for details.

Configurações usando o Root

Neste etapa vamos executar operações que necessitam de privilégio de root. Siga os passos abaixo:

The customization procedure allows you to create configuration
files for:

  (1) Configure the Connect:Direct for UNIX Server.
  (2) Configure the Connect:Direct for UNIX Client.
  (3) Configure the Connect:Direct for UNIX Server and Client.
  (4) Configurations requiring root privilege.
  (5) EXIT.

Enter your choice:[3]4   

This option will check for the existence and proper minimal
configuration of the Strong Access Control List (SACL).  It
will also set required file ownership and permissions for the
Connect:Direct executable files.

Press ENTER when ready.

Performing configuration tasks that require root authority.

Note to System Administrator:

root authority will be used to create or check the following file:


used to control user access to Connect:Direct for UNIX.

root authority will also be used to set required ownership and permission
settings of Connect:Direct for UNIX executables in:


This option requires root authority. Continue?:[Y/n]

Please enter the root password at the following prompt.


        Configuring Connect:Direct for UNIX SACL


NOTICE: Connect:Direct for UNIX, by default, will deny proxy to root


        Setting Connect:Direct for UNIX permissions


The Connect:Direct for UNIX service must be run as root.  This may be accomplished by either:

  1) turning the cdpmgr set user ID on execution mode on (suid bit)
  2) the root user executing the cdpmgr module

If your answer to the following query is 'y', option 1 will be used.  For option 1, the
Connect:Direct for UNIX installer, or a user in the installer's primary group will be able to start
the service.  If your answer to the query is 'n', then only root will be able to start the service.

Will Connect:Direct for UNIX installer, or a user in the installer's primary group, be starting the service?:[Y/n]

Encerrando o instalador

The customization procedure allows you to create configuration
files for:

  (1) Configure the Connect:Direct for UNIX Server.
  (2) Configure the Connect:Direct for UNIX Client.
  (3) Configure the Connect:Direct for UNIX Server and Client.
  (4) Configurations requiring root privilege.
  (5) EXIT.

Enter your choice:[3]5   

Exiting Connect:Direct for UNIX customization procedure.

A sample pnode equal to snode process has been created
to test the Connect:Direct for UNIX installation. It is
located at /home/cduser/cdunix/ndm/bin/
More example processes can be found in sub-directory

Connect:Direct for UNIX configuration completed.

Before starting Connect:Direct for UNIX, please
set the environment variable NDMAPICFG to point to the
Client configuration file. Please refer to the "Installing
Connect:Direct for UNIX" chapter in the Getting Started Guide
for details.

Thank you for using Connect:Direct for UNIX.

Would you like to return to the installation menu?:[Y/n]n

Connect:Direct for UNIX Installation procedure exited.

Iniciando o CD Server

Iniciando o servidor C:D

/home/cduser/cdunix/ndm/bin/cdpmgr -i /home/cduser/cdunix/ndm/cfg/<nodename>/initparm.cfg 

no meu caso

/home/cduser/cdunix/ndm/bin/cdpmgr -i /home/cduser/cdunix/ndm/cfg/CDNODE01/initparm.cfg

Verificando a instalação

Faça o export da variável NDMAPICFG

export NDMAPICFG=/home/cduser/cdunix/ndm/cfg/cliapi/ndmapi.cfg

Invocando o cliente


No prompt do direct

direct> Select statistics;

Envie um processo de teste. Este processo de exemplo copia o arquivo msgfile.cfg para o arquivo, no seu diretório HOME.

Direct> submit file=/home/cduser/cdunix/ndm/bin/;

Para monitorar a atividade de transmissão execute o comando:

Direct> select process pnumber=1;

O direct gera um relatório com o nome e número do Processo, usuário, nó de submissão, fila e status.

Após o final do Processo, veja as estatísticas com o comando:

Direct> select statistics pnumber=1;

Saia do C:D direct com o comando

Direct> quit;

Parando o CD Server

Usando o CD cliente "direct". Digite:

Direct> stop;

Reconfigurando o cliente

Executando a reconfiguração do cliente

cd /home/cduser/cdunix/etc


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