Usando as APIs dos produtos IBM Social

Abaixo veja os links de APIs dos produtos da IBM Social

IBM Watson Work Services

IBM Connections

IBM Domino

IBM Traveler

IBM Sametime

IBM Docs

  • IBM Docs JavaScript API
    In order to integrate IBM Docs with third-party systems, a solution has been implemented to enable browser-side integration by releasing one IBM Docs JavaScript SDK and making some public JavaScript APIs available.
    IBM Docs provides REST APIs, allowing developers to create third-party applications that integrate editing and viewing capabilities.

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IBM Traveler está agora disponível no Google Play



Ontem a IBM liberou o Traveler no Google Play, facilitando a vida dos usuários do aplicativo corporativo de acesso a emails.

Na página Traveler on Google Play, informa mais detalhes sobre isso.

Você pode instalar o aplicativo no seu aparelho, basta acessar o Google Play e clicar em instalar. Segue o link para a página -> link


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Additional steps when applying Traveler 8.5.3 Upgrade pack 2 in High Availabilty Environment

If you are using Lotus Traveler in a High Availability environment and upgrade to Traveler 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 2, you need additional steps that is not documented.

After applying the UP2, you need to run 2 sql scripts to update you environment.


1) Unpack and switch to the DB directory in this case


2) Run the following commands to update database

db2cmd -c -w -i db2 -tvf fixpack5.sql

db2cmd -c -w -i db2 -tvf fixpack6.sql

3) Start Traveler

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